Just not to think we're born to die
Eternal paradise's here to come
For loving you I'll probably be cursed
But what for hell is more
Exciting thing?

Be slaughtered by an unnamed God
it's hardly worse than being not believed
there's war of fights,
there's war of hearts is down there
And the winner will be named just after you
He will be sacrificed to nature
And the roses will be grown on his grave…

The snake that will be called the King
Is on its way
Our deadly sins are not to be forgiven
The stars are gonna sleep
The earth will blast
But that disaster's not to come unseen

By our eyes which will be never closed
Till our flesh will have decayed
In time for everything to start again
And finish what we haven't

Have ever seen
Have ever tried
Have ever been
Have ever died

The only thing' been never touched
By killing time is in inside
Your breathless breath
Your heartless heart

Just don't believe when
"Death is not the end" is spoken
That's just a joke
Although the fucking good
it's never late to pull a trigger
But not late too to leave yourself alive